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About Us



Thank you for your interest in our nursery and visiting our website. We hope it will give you a taste of what we have to offer you and your children.


However, we would openly encourage any parent or carer to visit our nursery as we feel it is staff and children that make a really good nursery. We look forward to meeting you and your child.


If there is anything further that you wish to know or to discuss then please phone or call in to the nursery.


Little Rainbow Nursery is registered with Wakefield Council and accredited by OFSTED to provide care for children aged 0 to 5 years.


Little Rainbow Nursery has been designed to be a homely, friendly and happy nursery. We pride ourselves on offering excellent childcare. But don’t just take our word for it pay us a visit!


We look forward to seeing you.


The Little Rainbow Team

Upcoming Events:
Open Morning - July 13th

Join us for our open morning!


Thursday, July 13th, 9:30-11:30am


Mission Statement


Be good, be kind, be careful




Everything we do and hope to achieve at Little Rainbow Nursery is based on understanding, trust and respect for the individual. This principal dictates how we treat each child, parent, carer and member of staff, regardless of their position, personal background or circumstances, as we seek to brace the diversity that we are blessed with in our wider community.

We will assist anyone who requires additional help, in order that they may achieve their full potential, while never being condescending towards them. We will hold elevated, yet attainable goals for all the children, yet helping them achieve using a set curriculum while letting them develop according to their own personalities and learning styles.

Communication and openness are stressed at all times allowing everybody access to the knowledge they need in order to achieve all they can and best serve the needs of the children and the adults they work with. Each member of our community has the right to feel secure in their role, understanding what is expected of them in order for so they are able to develop to their own best ability, and contribute all they can towards the progression of the nursery as a whole.

We will listen to all points of view and give a voice to those who cannot speak for themselves through knowledge of the individual and careful observation.

We recognise that developing professional, yet close personal relationships with each other helps us all work towards our common goal of helping the children grow into happy, loving and achieving young people.


  • Children should feel loved and valued for themselves as individuals, with their own particular needs to be met, and qualities to share with others

  • The whole child is considered important: physical health and emotional well-being are of paramount importance

  • By valuing childhood as an entity in itself, we will ensure children’s developmental needs are met, which includes recognition of the necessity to provide for progression without undue pressure

  • Parents are children’s prime educators

  • Anti-bias practice pervades curriculum

  • Children and adults have the right to have their opinions listened to and respected; children and adults have a responsibility to understand that others may hold different views. Discriminatory remarks and / or behaviour will always be challenged

  • What children ‘can do’ is the starting point for children’s education

  • Children have the right to opportunities to progress their learning from whatever stage they begin to whatever stage they are capable

  • Children will learn best from ‘first-hand’ experience based upon their interests and that which is familiar; learning should be a pleasurable experience

  • Process is always more important than the end product



The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)

The 3 Prime area’s that we promote learning and development are Personal, Social & Emotional Development, Communication & Language, Physical Development, in 4 specific areas—Literacy, Mathematics, Understanding of the World, Expressive arts & Design.


  • Literacy - Children have access to books, role play, computers and materials to enable their literacy skills throughout the day. Children read stories as individuals and share as a group. When children show interest, we encourage them to develop early literacy skills.


  • Mathematics - Children have access to sand, construction and water play, which helps them learn important mathematical concepts about shape and space, measure, problem solving, numbers and sorting, in a very relaxed and fun way. We sing number songs, number recognition, and talk about numbers.


  • Understanding of the World - We use a number of activities for learning, such as going to our local park to observe the environment, talking about ourselves and families observing the animals around us, similarities, differences and change.


We celebrate various Festivals throughout the year and encourage children to show respect and understanding of people from other cultures and different beliefs. We also promote British values.


  • Expressive Arts and Design - The children have daily access to craft materials as well as art activities, whether it is a free an expression painting /drawing session, music and movement, dance or helping to put together any parts to make up a wall display, giving opportunities to use skills such as cutting, joining, folding, building and technology. Children also participate in Role Play experiences to draw out their imagination.


  • Physical Development - Little Rainbow recognises the importance of physical play both indoor and outdoor. We have a range of equipment for both indoor and outdoor experiences, including construction, slides, tunnels, balls, tyres and threading just to name a few.


  • Personal and Social Development - Little Rainbow encourages children to develop their self-esteem and build up confidence by creating an environment where children feel safe and secure. Children are encouraged to become independent, make choices and develop their social skills.


  • Communication and Language - Children begin to developed their communication skills from birth and here at Little Rainbow Nursery we ensure children are supported and given the correct tools to become effective communicators.

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