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Summer Term 2017

Summer Term 2017

Welcome to the summer term at Little Rainbow Nursery.

Welcome to all the new children, we hope you will have fun playing, learning and making new friends.

We are able to offer printed uniform:

Polo shirts £6

Sweatshirts £7

We have also been looking at printed sun caps / sun hats. These would work out at £5-£6 each. Please let us know if you would be interested, we hope to see sunshine soon!!

These are practical items of clothing and give the children a sense of belonging to our nursery.

If possible, please don't send your child in clothing that is difficult to remove in a hurry when toileting e.g. dungarees, culottes or vests with poppers.

Please name all belongings.

Things to remember:

  • Snack money is £2 per week. (Funded two-year old' snack money is paid by your funding)

  • Nappies / pull ups and wipes in a named bag can be left at Nursery.

  • Please keep us up to date with any allergies, food intolerances or changes in medication.

We like to play outside when the weather is good, please apply sun cream to your child before bringing to Nursery, children staying all day may bring sun screen to be applied be staff, check you have signed to give us permission to do so.

For children eating lunch with us, please leave their lunch box on the trolley and remember to collect at hometime.

Our Library Area is for you to choose books to borrow and take home. Please sign the book and return when you've enjoyed your story time.

If you change your contact numbers, please inform us immediately.

Also remember we are unable to release your child to anyone without your prior authorisation and password.

Half term holiday is from Monday May 29th, returning on Monday June 12th.

End of term is Friday July 21st, returning Monday September 4th.

Please do not hesitate to ask if you have any queries.

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